Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Performance appraisal practice takes into consideration in order to facilitate the employees of an organization in a plausible manner. Study shows that, effective and timely performance appraisal system will help the organization to retain the employee. Manager should give a special concentration to the design of the performance appraisal system in order to obtain maximum benefit from their employees. The managers or the head headers are well cognizant with the fact that, what thing will add value in their organization and what induce their employees to work with immense care and fragility. In almost every organization, performance appraisal has been conducted in a series of process, which is mentioned below
·     In ab-initio, the managers make a decision regarding what they intend to measure. It means that the managers seek to establish the job criteria and appraisal standards.
·     The managers are keen to determine how often performance appraisal will be conducted from the employees.
·     The managers then decide about the appraiser. It will be done on the basis of the employee’s performance.
·      Then the exhorting period of indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the employees has been started, which is termed as “Providing Feedback” section.
There is no rocket science behind the utilization of the performance appraisal method. It can be done by any credible person or manager who is familiar with an employee’s performance to elected appraisal method (Schuler, 1995: Pg-312-316). This is not a hard a fast rule to apply a single performance appraisal method solemnly on a specific person. Sometimes the organizations and the managers use different kinds of evaluation method, while some entities use all of the methods to condense the biasness to a minimum level. Formal performance appraisal is now become a standard for administrative and development purposes. It has been observed that there is some kind of scarcity found in the feedback process, in which the supervisors gave feedback ironically. Therefore to eliminate the biasness from the feedback system, multi organizations purely emphasize on the multi-source feedback system. Apart from the traditional methods for evaluation, 360 degree performance evaluation method has also evident a reliable one because of the inclusion of the supervisors, subordinates, peers, coworkers, self and customers.
The 360 degree feedback process collecting information about the employee’s behavior from the boss or bosses, immediate reporting managers, colleagues, project team, internal and external customers and suppliers. (Pulakos, 2000). You have seen the 360 degree appraisal with different strange names like, “multi source feedback, full circle appraisal, multi dimensional evaluation and upward feedback appraisal”. Despite some disadvantages of the system like time consuming and bit hectic, but still have been implant in the performance appraisal process, because it have the propensity to hoard the data from different resources, which we have mentioned above. One of the great advantages of the 360 degree appraisal system is that, it vanquishes on the biasness may take place in the appraisal system and it also apprise the employee regarding his/her behavior and their strengths and weaknesses as well.

Schuler, R. S., Managing Human Resource, Min Ist. Paul: West Publishing, 1995

Pulakos, Elaine D. and Wexley, Kenneth N. “The Relationship among Perceptual Similar-ity, Sex, and Performance Ratings in Manager-Subordinate Dyads”, Academy of Management Journal, 26 (1), 1983, 129-139

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