Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Examples of Corporate Citizenship

Examples of Corporate Citizenship
            Companies have devised a number of different definitions of corporate citizenship.

Abbott Laboratories
Global citizenship reflects how a company advances its business objectives, engages its stakeholders, implements its policies, applies its social investment and philanthropy, and exercises its influence to make reductive contributions to society. At Abbott, global citizenship also means thoughtfully balancing financial, environmental and social responsibilities with providing quality health care worldwide. Our programs include public education; environment, health and safety; and access to health care. These efforts reflect an engagement and partnership with stakeholders in the pursuit of sustainable solutions to challenges facing the global community.

For AT&T, corporate citizenship means caring about the communities it is involved with, keeping the environment healthy, making AT&T a safe and rewarding place to work and behaving ethically in all its business dealings.

Responsible corporate citizenship is at the heart of The Coca-Cola Promise, which is based on four core values - in the marketplace, the workplace, the environment and the community:
Ø      Marketplace: Coca Cola will follow to the uppermost ethical practices, significant that the excellence of our products, the reliability of our brands and the commitment of our employees develop trust and make stronger relationships. Coca Cola will provide people who enjoy Coca Cola products by way of superb customer service, innovation, and respect for the unique cultures and customs in the societies where Coca Cola do business.
Ø      Workplace: Coca Cola will deal each other with self-respect, respect and fairness. Coca Cola will promote a complete environment that promotes all employees to perform and develop to their fullest potential, coherent with a promise to human rights in Coca Cola workplace.
Ø      Environment: Coca Cola will carry out business in such ways that defend and maintain the environment. Coca Cola will incorporate rules of environmental stewardship and sustainable development into its business processes and decisions.
Ø      Community: Coca Cola will contribute its expertise, time, and resources to assist build up sustainable societies in partnership with national leaders. Coca Cola will try to enhance the quality of life by way of locally-relevant plan wherever Coca Cola do business.

DHL takes its definition of Corporate Citizenship from the World Economic Forum: Corporate citizen is about the contribution a company makes to society through its core business activities, its social investment and philanthropy programs, and its engagement in public policy.

Texas Instruments
Beyond the bottom line, the worth of a corporation is reflected in its impact in the community. At TI our philosophy is simple and dates back to our founding fathers. Giving back to the communities where « operate makes them better places to live and work, in turn making them better places to do business. TI takes its commitment seriously and actively participates in community involvement through three ways - philanthropy, civic leadership and public policy and grass roots efforts.

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